It was time to grit my teeth, arrange the garbage bags, and prep the goodwill box. After three hours worth of organizing and decluttering, I transformed the room next to my office from a storage room back to a bathroom. 

I hope the spirit of Spring will reward me and move us from the photo on the left to the one on the bottom. 

I’ve … ahem … lived with the chaos for a long long time. Not willing to face the  journey toward making this a home again.

With all the moving, new flooring, soot damage …  mingled with my age and “delicate” memory … Tom would ask, “Where is the ………” and I would smile and say, “It’s in a safe place.”



But had no clue where that might be.  Our lives have been a daily treasure hunt, and is great fun when we find something we’ve “lost!”

Later in the day, re-entering my “new” bathroom,  I sucked in a breath of sweet delight! When clutter goes, it feels like you can fly!

Now I hope to organize one area daily. The office is next. Oh my! 

I still won’t remember where I put things.  But have become good at retracing my steps. Or thinking “Where would I put it if I was putting it away now?

Maybe I should make an index”

So come on spring!  You will be welcome!


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